Health Surveillance is a system of on-going health checks required by Law.

To comply with legislation or following a risk assessment of work hazards we can provide you with health surveillance programme to suit your business operation.  Our screening and surveillance programmes are fully designed in accordance with HSE guidelines and aim to detect early signs of health related issues.

As examples the range of programmes we can offer include:

  1. Health screening for specialist jobs, including food handlers, drivers (inc. forklift truck divers) confined space workers and night workers;
  2. Workplace protection screening programmes for staff working with asbestos and vibrating tools;
  3. Health screening programmes to help you meet your legislative responsibilities, for example for staff exposed to noise, respiratory sensitisers (e.g. certain fumes or dusts), vibrating equipment, biological agents and skin irritants.

If you require advice and guidance on the type of screening programme we could offer one of our business team would be happy to visit you. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. For further guidance on the recommended health surveillance programme for your known environmental hazards, please visit the Health and Safety Executive website

What to expect from Health Surveillance